Welcome back Nrutyashala family!
Please be sure to fill the online registration form out before the first class. It only takes 5 minutes.
You will receive an emailed copy of the form which will count as your proof of registration. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.
If you are under 18 years old, please have your parents fill out the registration form.
FIRST CLASS: Parents - Make sure to arrive at least 10 minutes early on the first day of class
to confirm payment of semester fees and completion of online registration.
Dance Classes Begin: Saturday September 8, 2018 and Sunday September 9, 2018
Annual Recital: Sunday April 21, 2019
Please visit the SCHEDULE page for information on specific classes and timings.
First class per semester (per student): $275
Every additional class per semester (per student): $175
Recital costume rental (to help with costume maintenance costs): $25 per costume
Varnam ONLY: due to the intensity of your class and extended teaching time your semester fee for varnam is $325
As you know, NrutyaShala is a not-for-profit school. Our teachers, while highly qualified, are all unpaid volunteers. We require your fees to help pay for the school's ever-increasing rent, maintenance, and producing the recital. WIthout these fees we cannot run the school.
Please pay your fees on time.
We offer a variety of payment options including cash, check, and venmo (@bela_Vasavada). Feel free to make your payment via venmo today! But first please make sure to register - you can do so here.
For more details on venmo, please see the end of this email. Venmo is the only online payment method we currently accept.
For every NEW student you refer to the studio you will get $25 off your second semester fee!! Get enough people to sign up and your second semester can be free! Make sure they mention your name when registering. (The discount will only apply after the new student has registered and paid their semester fee.)
LATE FEES: Semester fees are due at the beginning of each semester. After the first two weeks of each semester, a late fee of $5 PER WEEK per student will be applied if timely payment is not received – no exceptions (the dates are listed above).
We are continuing our late fee of $5 per week per student, upto a maximum of $25 per student (5 weeks). However, if semester fees have not been paid by that time we reserve the right to ask the student to withdraw from the class.
Additionally, if the student fails to pay the late fees due per NS policy, the student’s name will not be printed on the recital brochure. No exceptions. NS staff will advise students of their outstanding late fee balance.
Nrutyashala School of Indian Classical and Folk Dance
777 N. Grove Road, Suite 113, Richardson, TX 75081 • 972-977-9765 • nrutyashala.school@gmail.com